Example crontab entries

These two cron jobs run every 5 minutes. They read data from the weather instruments, parse it into the format required for each of the weather collection services, then posts the data to them using NetCat (nc) or wget.

The 2>> is a redirect to append any error messages that may occur, and places them in the file "weather.err". This can be replaced with 2> /dev/null to simply send any error messages to the bit bucket.
NOTE: Yes, currently these scripts do generate errors - so I still have some work to do...

#  0-59  0-23      1-31        1-12     1=Monday
# Send Weather report to CWOP/NOAA via APRS
00,05,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,34,50,55 * * * * ~jjn/weather.cwop 2>> weather.err
# Send Weather report to WUNDERGROUND
00,05,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * ~jjn/weather.wunderground 2>> weather.err
# -end-