Working Group
Frequency Coordination

Purpose of this Working Group:

The purpose of the Frequency Coordination Work Group is to discuss, develop, and .............used within the Michigan Packet Radio networks.

Objectives of this Working Group:

The primary objectives of the Frequency Coordination Work Group is to ...............

Members of this Working Group:

      Jay Nugent         WB8TKL     (734)484-5105
      Jon Harris         KC8VAB

Next meeting of this Working Group:

- no date or location has been set -
- discussions will be conducted on the DRG mailing list -

Since the Michigan Area Repeater Council (MARC) does not coordinate frequencies for use by Packet Radio Nodes, BBS's and Network Backbones, it has been suggested that the DRG take on that task.

At this point in time these are the ONLY frequencies recognized and protected by the MARC:
From the MARC website:

For packet operations, the following channels will be protected from coordinated operations.

2 meters
144.910, 144.930, 144.950, 144.970, 144.990
145.010, 145.030, 145.050, 145.070, 145.090
145.510, 145.530,          145.570, 145.590
145.610, 145.630, 145.650, 145.670
145.710, 145.730, 145.750, 145.770
147.540, 147.560, 147.580

(Note that 145.76 is *NOT* protected and also lays outside the RACES sub-band)

1.25 meters
222.340 - 222.360 / 223.940 - 223.960  Repeater input/output
223.520, 223.540, 223.560, 223.580, 223.600
(Note that 223.4 and 223.44 are *NOT* protected)

70 centimeters
-no frequencies are noted for Packet use-
(Note that the GL-Net 9600 baud backbone frequency of 445.6MHz is within the "Voice links" sub-band)

Band Plans for "Digital Communications"
904.00 - 906.00
916.00 - 918.00
1248 - 1252
1258 - 1260
1297 - 1300

Adapted from MARC Standards, REV 01
2 December 1989, as amended


                              MIPAC RESOLUTIONS
                             as of April 8, 1995

X-1. It was agreed for MIPAC and state users to start looking at using
     145.510 - 145.690, as available per local conditions.  Please note
     that 145.550 is more or less a permament "space frequency", and
     that 145.530 is in use in SWMI and Northern Indiana for bbs to bbs

X-2. It was recommended that where ever possible, 147.560 will be used
     state wide primarily for TCP/IP use.  Within the SEMI area 147.56
     is designated as TCP/IP only, 9k6, and low level lan operations.
                                      (Revised at 8 april 95 meeting)

X-3. That each bbs sysop within Michigan hold for review all bulletins
     entered by local users till that sysop, or remote sysops review
     said bulletins for proper content.  In addition, all Michigan bbs
     sysops will allow bulletins from other Michigan bbs's to be
     forwarded automatically.  This will put the burden of trust amongst
     the sysops. Also, MIPAC sysops will pass around to other out of state
     bbs's what we are doing here in Michigan to handle this situation.
                                      (Reviewed at 14 Jan 95 meeting)

X-4. A resolution to support the following additional 2 meter frequencies
     for digital use in Michigan.

     145.510   145.530   145.570   145.590   145.610   145.650   145.670
     145.710   145.730   145.750   145.770

     Of these frequencies 145.530, 145.630, and 145.730 were set aside
     along with the existing 145.030 for use as keyboard to keyboard,
     chat and\or converse activities. A request made to the SEMI Regional
     Coordinator to use 144.930  for the same activities in the SEMI
     region only was approved.

X-5. MIPAC will join other amateur groups in asking hams to keep clear of
     145.550 and 145.695 to help the Space Station and for use as a
     national A.R.E.S. frequency.
     (Refer to MARC Resolution #1 dtd 12 Sep 92)

X-6  The Digital Freqs for the 902mhz and 1.2ghz bands from ARRL REPEATER
     DIRECTORY 94/95 Edition are adopted for use in the Michigan
     bandplan.  Following is that portion of the Directory with the
     typos corrected:

     903.000mhz - 906.000mhz       Digital

     915.000mhz - 918.000mhz       Digital

     Two 1.5Mbit/s links. They are 903 - 906mhz, and 915 - 918mhz
     with 10.7 mhz spacing.



     1246.000mhz - 1248.000mhz     Narrow-bandwidth FM point-to-
                                   point links and digital, duplex
                                   with 1258 - 1260.

     1248.000mhz - 1252.000mhz     Digital Communications

     1258.000mhz - 1260.000mhz     Narrow-bandwidth FM point-to-
                                   point links and digital, duplex
                                   width 1246 - 1248.

     1297.000mhz - 1300.000mhz     Digital Communications

             1.) 2 mhz bandwidth channels at:
                   1249.00   1251.00  1298.00
             2.) 100 khz bandwidth channels at:
                   1299.00   1299.45  1299.75
                   1299.15   1299.55  1299.85
                   1299.25   1299.65  1299.95
             3.) 26 khz bandwidth channels at:
                   1294.025  1294.125
                   1294.050  1294.150
                   1294.075  1294.175
                   1294.100 National packet simplex calling

                                               (Revised 8 April 9)

X-7  That the following frequencies be used for TCP/IP only:
        441.025 mhz  9k6
        223.540 mhz  9k6 @ a later date
        223.580 mhz  9k6 @ a later date
     This pertains to SEMI area; and to be expanded to other areas as
     the need increases with the hope of full state participation in
     the near future.
                                               (Adopted 8 April 95)